Spendrups International AB
Business enquiries: info@spendrupsinternational.com
Consumer contact: konsumentkontakt@spendrups.se
Office and physical address:
Spendrups International AB
Hälsingegatan 49
S-113 31 Stockholm

Previous experience: Chief Sales and Export Officer at Spendrups Bryggeri, Chairman of the Board at Hellefors Bryggeri, Global Marketing Director at Björn Borg, Brand and Marketing Manager roles at Spendrups and Unilever.

Previous experience: Business Coordinator at Spendrups Bryggeri export dept, CEO assistant at Signpost Ltd

Previous experience: Vice CEO Spendrups Bryggeri, CEO Gotlands Bryggeri, CEO BIBAB.

Previous experience: Chief Legal Officer at Spendrups Bryggeri, Associate at DLA Nordic
Frequently Asked Questions
Our current prime focus is Northern Europe.
We adjust our business model depending on the market conditions and business environment.
We adjust business model and brand focus depending on the local market needs and the unique business situation.
We aim to establish our brands in most market channels, e.g. on-trade, off-trade, travel retail and state monopolies, if available.
We adjust business model and category focus depending on the local market needs and the unique business situation.
Our mission is to establish our brands in new markets. Not just selling products. We always strive for long-term partnerships to establish our brands properly in the markets we enter and we search for partners with extensive knowledge and strong infrastructure in a specific market.
Please contact konsumentkontakt@spendrups.se
Our sole focus is sales of established brands.