The crown jewel among Swedish beers
Despite its premium pricing position, Mariestads is one of the biggest beer brands in Sweden. Its unique main brew has been rewarding people since 1848.
Mariestads is a true classic, immensely appreciated by the Swedish people and ready to be presented to the rest of the world, just like ABBA, Volvo, Absolut and all the other Swedish prides. As all our other brands, Mariestads is brewed according to the German purity laws from early 1500, a law that was established to ensure quality and stop additives in beer. After all, the only necessary ingredients to brew a wonderful beer are water, malt, hops and yeast. It is a beer that by its special place in many Swedes’ lives has become a conscious choice for all moments of enjoyment of life. It has been standing there steadily on Christmas and Midsummer tables. It’s been waiting for us in the fridge while we cut the grass, paint the last thing on the fence or come back from the jogging round.